Engine/Chassis Features

4-Mode Drive System (Sport Touring Hybrid)

What’s the Benefit?

This system gives drivers a Normal mode for relaxed street driving, a Sport mode for indulging the desire for driving fun, an ECON mode to optimize their fuel efficiency, and an Individual mode to tailor the on-road experience to the driver’s desires.


The Feature:

Normal mode is the default setting, and drivers can use the toggle switch by the shift controls to engage Sport, ECON or Individual mode, depending upon the situation at hand; a display in the instrument panel indicates the mode engaged.

  • The 4-mode drive system has an effect on several functions: 
    • In Normal mode, the powertrain, steering, instrument panel and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) are calibrated to provide a pleasing balance of comfort, performance and efficiency. 
    • Sport mode makes for more immediate responsiveness to the driver’s input. 
    • When ECON mode is engaged, both the drive-by-wire throttle system and ACC take a more relaxed route to enhance fuel efficiency.  
    • In Individual mode, the driver-selected combination of selections from the above are implemented. 

When Individual mode is selected, the driver can press and hold the selector toggle to open the customization pane on the 9.0-inch color touch-screen.